Hi everyone, my name is Orange Chikkalingaiah, I'm 23 years old, and this is my first website. I am all new to this so please be patient with me. I am starting a baking business. I will be posting my progress, struggles, emotions etc on this blog. Its turning out to be quite a pricey adventure, however it is my career choice and I'm still going to go for it. I have some family support and my goal is to increase my following base on instagram, since it is the only source of advertising I have at the moment. instagram: @oranges_macarons please follow! I have a few mental disabilities so its hard to stay atop things, but I'm trying my best with keeping everything up to date for this project because i really want it to succeed. No matter how I fail at social media or web creation, i always make creative yummy macaron flavors so please keep that in mind. I will be doing the Tigard Farmers Market in Oregon next year and will be doing as many winter markets as I can, so keep an eye out for Orange's Macaron Shop!

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